Mission Statement
Our children’s mission is about: sowing seeds, growing together and changing lives
Our Core Values
To enable children to develop a sense of spirituality and faith and to grow as disciples of Jesus.
To provide positive role models, helping them to develop their own ethics, morals, values and behaviours based on the Christian faith.
To support them with relevant information, advice and guidance about faith and life so that they can make informed choices about their direction and future.
To provide a safe and engaging environment in which they feel someone will listen to them, take them seriously and non judge them.
To enable them to take a full active part in church and have a say about the services that affect them.
Sunday Service Format
Morning Worship is held on Sunday mornings at 10.30am. Children are registered into their groups at about 10.45am after the second song. Please note we sometimes film our services and stream them on-line, if you sit in the front 5 rows you and your children may be on camera. If you would prefer not to be please sit towards the back of the church. If you are happy to go on-line please can you make sure you indicate this on your child’s medical form and complete the GDPR form for yourselves.
Holy Communion is on the first Sunday morning of the month at 10.30am. Registration for children on these Sundays starts at 10.25am. Groups run from 10.30am, and then children and young people are called by the Church wardens into the service with their group leader/ teachers for prayer and/ or communion at the rail.
All Age Services are held at 10.30am on Mothering Sunday, Easter Day, Fathers Day, Christmas Day, Harvest and at other times during the year. They are shorter and geared towards children. The Rainbow Room Crèche is available for children 0-3 years only (not Christmas Day), currently we are asking parents to remain with their child. Children’s Quiet area is available for children supervised by their parent. There are also bags of toys at the back of the church for children to play with should you want them to remain in the service with you.
Children’s Consent/Registration Forms
Consent forms are required for all children that come to activities at the church so that we can be aware of medical conditions or emergency contact details. These forms will only be accessible by the group leaders. Children are the responsibility of their parent/carer until they are safely registered into their group for their activities.
Forms can be downloaded here
Youth & Children Medical Form
Filming of services consent form
Messy Church registration form
Tea & Toys registration form
A note about Additional Needs
Christ Church is committed to supporting those who have any additional needs whether physical, social or behavioural. Some of our groups cater specifically for those with additional needs and we are keen to assist anyone who may need support at any of our other groups
Sunday Groups
Our Rainbow creche room is open every Sunday for children aged between 0 and 3. Please stay with your children, the service is relayed through a screen in the room.
Explorers and Climbers ( 4 to 11 year olds)
Pathinders (11 to 14 year olds)
Please do speak to Naomi about which group will best fit your child, ages are a rough guide; some younger children may be ready to join the Explorers and Climbers group, and some older youth may want to continue to come to Pathfinders.
Rainbow Room Creche - ages 0-3
Led by Veronica Andrews
The Crèche session is held in the Rainbow Room Soft Play Facility located by the main doors into the church. Parents may bring children here to be registered at any time during the main service. Currently one parent must remain with their child, there is a television link into the church. There may be a short story time and song towards the end of the session. We also have a Children’s Quiet Area where children can be read to, colour in or do puzzles.
Climbers & Explorers - Ages 3-7 & 7-11
Led by Naomi White
Climbers and Explorers are currently both meeting in the large hall, registration is at 10:45am after the first 2 songs in church, children are to be collected at the end of the main service. The session is lots of fun with bible teaching, fun activities, craft and games.