We have various areas of ministry who are in need of volunteers. If you are able to help out in any way, we would love for you to get involved! Please see below list of areas in need of help. If there is an area you would like to volunteer for, please contact the relevant person using the details noted.

After service refreshments (help)
Please contact Anna Carey at church.admin@ccorpington.org
or 01689 871601

Mosaic Cafe
Please contact Anna Carey at church.admin@ccorpington.org
or 01689 871601

Church Flowers (Flower administrator/ Flower assistants)
No experience of flower arranging or creative talents needed
Please contact Mel Ketchin 01689 871067 or Judith Motto 01689 837351.

Community Club (drivers to transport folk to/from the club each Tuesday and someone to work in the kitchen alongside Colin and the community payback team)
Please contact Mel Ketchin 01689 871067

Crèche on Sunday mornings
Please contact Naomi White at children@ccorpington.org

CCO Holiday Club
Volunteers needed for 2023 - watch this space!
Please contact Philippa (Pip) Allen at holidayclub@ccorpington.org

Tea and Toys on Wednesdays
During term time, 1.30 pm - 3 pm
Please contact the office at ccorpington@talktalk.net

Tech team (Sound desk/Audio/Visual – training will be provided)
Please contact Mike at mike@zarttell.uk

Youth Ministry
Please contact Andi Smith on youth@ccorpington.org

Social Functions (organize or help)
Please contact Anna Carey at church.admin@ccorpington.org
or 01689 871601

Holiday Club Helpers

This year we are hoping to run our Holiday Club, we cannot do this without the wonderful help of our volunteers. It is great fun and a fantastic way to share God's love with the children. We are hoping to join forces again with KICK who provide excellent games and activities  and  the children to have a great experience learning about Jesus and gaining new skills. If you are free and would like to help please contact Phillipa Allen holidayclub@ccorpington.org for more information.

Messy Church

Messy Church has been a really fantastic opportunity to reach out to new families in our community. It is once a month normally 2nd Saturday, can you commit to helping for 2-3 hours, if so Phillipa would really love to hear from you. Please email her on messychurch@ccorpington.org


Creche runs every week (accept for Christmas & New Year Day) we have a fantastic facility with soft play and toys for our youngest members, Creche is run by a small dedicated group of volunteers., following COVID due to volunteer numbers parents have to remain with their children. It would be wonderful if we could bless parents and allow them to be in the service whilst their children are in Creche but to do this we need more volunteers. If this is something you could help with once a month please let either Naomi or Veronica know or email children@ccorpington.org

If there are any other areas of ministry you would be interested in helping out in,
please let us know on church.admin@ccorpington.org or 01689 871601. Thank you!